How to Prepare Your Children For a Photoshoot

You want to book a family photoshoot and you are excited to capture some precious images of the whole family. Photos of your little ones that show off their personality, show them smiling, and show how they looked at this stage of their life!

You then start to wonder what will happen if they aren’t at their best that day. What happens if their cheekiest characteristics start to show? What happens if they don’t allow the photographer to take their picture?

This is normal. As a family and motherhood photographer, I experience it all and I know how to handle these situations in the calmest, most collected and most friendly way. With a few hints and tips, and a little preparation, the photo shoot will go ahead with ease.

Here is how to prepare your children for a photoshoot.

8 Ways to Prepare Your Children For a Photoshoot

Let your children know

Encourage them to be themselves

Pack their favourite snacks


Involve them in the planning process

Dress them comfortably

Describe where you will being going for the photoshoot

Do not stress!

Let your children know

It is a good idea to let your children know what to expect before a family photo shoot to avoid any surprises later on. Explain how it’s going to be a great adventure, how you’re going to play and explore together. This will build excitement and hopefully dissolve any nerves or worries they might have.

They may also feel less uncomfortable approaching a complete stranger if you give them a few details, where you’re going, the photographer’s name and perhaps even show them a photo of the photographer. This then helps to alleviate any shyness or anxiety. Tell them exactly what a photographer’s job is and even show them some examples of their work. 

Encourage them to be themselves

This includes allowing your children to run around, explore and play. They will become more comfortable with the photographer and the camera as a result, which leads to more genuine smiles.

Encouraging them to be themselves, showing their personality and being free without any boundaries is the perfect way to capture their real emotions and expressions, and in turn allow true magic to be captured.

Bring refreshments

Snacks are excellent for calming restless children. The best method to maintain their energy levels throughout the photoshoot is to give them non-messy snacks like crackers and raisins.

Also, remember to keep them hydrated. Asking your photographer to take a brief refreshment break so the children can eat and drink is totally acceptable. We don’t want any hungry children on the scene! 


Avoid treats until after the session. Bribery with chocolate, sweets or snacks act as only a temporary measure during what can be a long session. Instead use an incentive, like going to play in the park or a trip to the toy shop, instead of providing treats throughout. This way you’ll avoid any tantrums or tears during the photoshoot, and give your children something to look forward once you’re all done.

Involve them in the planning process

Ask your child what they want to do during the session and what activities, games, or other arrangements they think will be fun. Additionally, ask your child for suggestions for the photographer regarding the type of image they want to have and who should be in it. 

Tell your children about the photoshoot. Ask them who will be the funniest person and who will listen the best. Try to involve them in the discussion.

Dress them comfortably

Make sure your little one is at ease by dressing them comfortably. When it comes to the colours they should wear, it is worthwhile to wear somewhat consistent, complementary, muted colours, such as pastels, beige, and natural hues.

I suggest preparing their outfits before the session and getting them involved if they are old enough to do so. Get them to try on the clothes to ensure they are happy and comfortable.

You will be provided with a style guide ahead of your session and this will be help with dressing the whole family.

Prepare where you will have the photoshoot

The time spent driving to the photoshoot location will also have an impact on a child’s mood. Plan your expected arrival time to arrive at least 10-20 minutes before the session begins if you will be travelling a considerable distance. Your children can then move around, play, and burn off some of that nervous energy built up in the car.

Choosing the right location is really important, as it sets the mood and tone of your photoshoot. If you’re a family that loves adventures, exploring the woodlands and running through long grass then choose a location where you’ll be comfortable and relaxed.

Do not stress!

The session will be child led, and they will feed off your energy. So ensure you are relaxed, stress free and excited. This will encourage your children (especially if they’re older) to follow your example and really lean into the experience.

It’s all about enjoying yourselves. The more you’re thinking about how the children are behaving the more you lose your connection with the moment and this can show in the images. The minute you relax and let the experience unfold is when the photographer will capture the best moments.

Book Your Photoshoot 

I hope that I have helped you with how to prepare your children for a photoshoot. My best advice is don’t overthink the process. Trust in your photographer to capture everything that’s important to you and your family. Know that the outcome will be magical memories captured for a lifetime, that tell your family love story. 

If you are ready to book your photoshoot, you can enquire about my services here

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